বুধবার, ১৫ আগস্ট, ২০১২

Fat Loss Foes: Foods To Avoid

If you want to see the fastest rate of fat loss possible as you move along with your weight loss diet plan, one of the top things that you absolutely must be making sure you do is look after you?re diet.

If you aren?t watching what you eat on an everyday basis, you can rest assured that you?re going to be in for an uphill battle due to the fact that you?ll just be consuming far more calories than what?s required to create the deficit for fat loss to take place.

Fortunately, if you make a few smart food choices, omitting certain foods from your diet that are going to hinder you far more than they should, you will be on route to success.

Let?s take a quick peek at some of the top fat loss foes that you need to make sure that you?re avoiding so that they never become an issue for you.

Fat LossCereal Bars

The very first food to give the boot from your diet plan is that cereal bar that you gobbled up first thing in the morning to get your day going. While you may think that this was a smart choice for getting your energy level up and your metabolism moving along, it is anything but.

Cereal bars are completely devoid of protein content and are often loaded with sugar, not to mention may contain trans fats as well.

You would have been far better off simply packing a Tupperware container of regular bran cereal to munch on during the drive to work.

If you can just get up 10 minutes earlier, you could also cook yourself a good bowl of oatmeal with skim milk or an egg white omelette. That?s a far better method to see dietary success.

Energy Shakes

Moving along, energy shakes are the next thing that you must banish from your plan. Once again, many people down these hoping to bring their energy level up and since they?re fat free, they may figure they aren?t a problem.

But if you take a look at that energy shake, more often than not, it?s almost 100% pure sugar.? So compare this to eating a candy bar (since that?s what you?re essentially doing ? if not worse).

Now how does it stack up as far as your diet is concerned?

Hopefully you can see the problem with these.? Always turn to water to hydrate yourself and if you need more energy, check your diet and considered a healthy, well balanced snack instead.

You?ll get far better results from going this route.

?Fat Free? Packaged Foods

Moving along, another must-avoid food on your diet plan are any fat free packaged foods. These are often marketed to dieters quite well because of the fact that they do contain no fat.

Many people are still fat phobic, so when they see that they can eat chips, crackers, cookies, or whatever the food happens to be, they?re in their full glory.

Don?t be too quick to celebrate.

These foods are again loaded with sugars and are only going to cause a massive blood glucose spike, followed by an insulin surge that will take that extra glucose up and deposit it right on your hips, thighs, and lower abdomen.

Now how attractive is that fat free food looking ?

Any food that is made to be fat free you should turn away from. Only natural fat free foods ? fruits and vegetables for example, are smart to consume.

Regular Yogurt

Moving along, we have yogurt up next on the line-up of foods that must go from your diet plan.? If you opt for Greet yogurt, then perfect ? you?re making a very smart dietary choice.

Opt for regular style fruit yogurt however and you?re doing some serious dietary damage.

Regular yogurt is loaded with simple sugars as well and depending on the variety, can also contain some saturated fat.

If it does, this is a double whammy as far as your risk for fat gain goes. The last thing that you want to be doing is spiking blood glucose levels and insulin while also supplying a high amount of fat at the same time.

Greek yogurt on the other hand is low in sugar, high in protein, and fat free. It?s a smart choice.

Choose it and add fresh fruit yourself. That is the route to go.

Sculpt That Body!White Baked Goods

Finally, the last foods that you need to give the boot from your diet plan are white baked goods. If you?re eating these you?re in for some problems because they?ll be loaded with calories and devoid of nutrition.

This includes foods such as white breads, muffins, cakes, cookies, croissants, large English muffins, and so on.? They just contain far too many simple carbs and most people eat far too much volume of these foods in a sitting.

If you?re going to eat some high carb foods, make sure that they?re whole grains. Oatmeal, barley, millet, quinoa, brown rice, and couscous are far better options and will supply you with energy that lasts.

You don?t necessarily have to cut all carbs out of your diet like so many people believe, you do need to be very smart in the ones that you choose however.? Choose wisely and you won?t be at near the risk of fat gain that you otherwise would.So there you have some of the main foods that you should reconsider having in your diet plan.? While treating yourself to one of these once in a while won?t cause too much damage, if they have a regular place in your diet plan, it?s going to be vital that you make some changes.

Remember that the easiest and most straightforward secret to dietary success is to simply focus on eating foods in their most natural state possible. If you can do that, you?ll be in for a home run as far as fat loss is concerned.

Source: http://www.myhealthandfitness.net.au/fat-loss-foes-foods-to-avoid/

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